Saturday, March 2, 2019


Hey Y'all!

So since my last post I have researched a little more about some ideas. I went to the super market buying a couple magazines to flip through: their names are Food Network and Food and Wine magazine. I flipped through them trying to get some ideas for what to write about; narrowing down two choices either a magazine about desserts like Martha Stewart or a Hispanic cooking magazine like this magazine named Sabor (less popular).

The magazines are totally different in the way of material and culture. Both magazines would be in English featuring a exclusive dish or theme. The Baking magazine would be fun because of the fact I love baking. But the Hispanic magazine would be fun too because of the double page spread could be a recipe from each Latin American country which would be so interesting to learn about. Both magazines have their pros and cons so, I am going to make a pro and con list to decide because I have no idea of what I am going to chose.

Hispanic magazine: 
The magazine's recipes are easier to obtain because of my family and friends being from different countries.
The original idea was for the recipes included from all the countries of Latin America.
Do I have people from every Latin American country to get the recipes from?
Expanding knowledge of different cultures because of how isolated the countries are from each others conflicts and is better for the magazine's double page spread
You have no idea how to cook these and are not going to make them how an experienced person would and how is the double page spread going to work?

Desserts magazine: 
You enjoy baking, and thus will be done with more passion than cooking
Do you have time to bake all these recipes?
You know how to make the recipes and will be easier to make perfect
Where are you going to get the recipes? What is going to be your double page spread?

After reviewing these reasons, I have decided to do a desserts magazine because of the easier chance of having these recipes. Also, there is this girl in my math class who loves baking and I am sure would help me with the recipes. You know what people say that the more passion you have, the more effort you will put in to your project. Now the real work starts!!

Bye Y'all!

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