Sunday, March 10, 2019


Hey Y'all,

So today we are going to talk about how we are actually going to do the project with my busy schedule. Since, my Tuesdays - Thursdays are always filled with after school activities, I decided to make a schedule of when I would do my project and how to manage my time doing it. The schedule would focus on Saturdays and Sundays doing most of the work because of the most time I have during these days. I broke up the task I have to complete into a list:

  • Decide on the front cover 
  • Take pictures for the front cover 
  • The recipes included or interview with the 'celebrity Chef'
  • The double page spread
  • The whole magazine complete 
Since there are 3 weeks and five days when the project is due, I have to plan accordingly. My first step is to finally decide what am I going to do with the front cover. I have a lot of ideas but I have to think realistically in what I can do in my time frame and age. Also, if I pick like a Christmas theme: I have to consider that I will need to make the desserts because of not being able to find them in the store. I am going to research nearby holidays to maybe make the magazine about that (ex: french fry day or fourth of July). The double page spread is what is kinda hard to decide on because of how I should interview or should the whole magazine be only about the recipes. I have two people in mind but they have busy schedules and would have to coordinate with them to interview them. But if the cover is the food, its easier on me because of the little planning needed. The magazine isn't going to be very long thus, having only 15 pages is the correct amount for the whole magazine. The main article being two pages with a cover of two pages also.

Anyways, I have a lot to do to make this happen. I have to plan accordingly.

Bye, Y'all :)

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