Thursday, March 7, 2019

critic session !

Hey, Y'all!
So today in class we had a critic session about our projects. The idea was we would be split up in groups and discuss our project ideas: how our progress is going and if there should be any changes to the project. So, I went in a group with people I had never interacted with, discussing my ideas for my magazine: the concept, design, story. We began with Ariana who was going to a dramatic film opening about two wrestlers. The ideas were amazing and the blog posts were very through with their decisions for the opening. Then, we judged another opening which was also a drama about being lost in the woods. The idea was good but not developed enough on the plot of the film opening. The group started saying ideas on how to improve the idea: a monster or villain in the woods scares the children. Then, it was a girl with an idea of a healthy eating magazine who described her double page spread as an interview with a famous Instagram star. She just needed help on who to interview so the group started saying their ideas. We came up with a person from Raw Juice (a super trendy smoothie place) or one of her friends who are one of those salads over everything. My magazine was a baking magazine so they helped me come up with some ideas on what to include as the cover and main article: recipes for Christmas but I would have to make them, summer birthdays, thanksgiving recipes. Also, helping me with my cover which I discovered that I could buy the dessert and just take a picture of it without the label. I have to clarify but that is so much easier than what I had thought. Anyways, it was super helpful so thanks, Mrs. Marchetti!

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