Sunday, March 3, 2019

Fonts, layouts galore!!

Hey Y'all,
So I realized that I actually forgot to make a name for my magazine. For my magazine, I wanted a name that would be cool possible in another language so it could stand out more to the public.
What I did was went around my house asking my family members what they associated with the word cake. Since my family is Hispanic, many thought of the equivalent of cake in Spanish being torta. My family members had said all of the same words: delicious, spongy, soft. So, I decided to do it on myself finding the only word coming up would be Ducle meaning sweet in Spanish. Deciding to play on google translate for a few minutes to come up with a cool sounding name because of the many languages being available. After, playing around with the different words describing the cake, I decided to name it Dolci meaning sweet in Italian. The name fits perfectly to the concept because of the name meaning dessert in Italian which is the magazine's main focus. Testing the name out to my family members all agreeing on the name is good for the magazine.

Now that I had my name, I started looking for the colors of what the magazine cover should have. The colors cannot be too dark for the magazine to seem depressing to the audience. Since most of the colors of the magazine covers are bright should be attractive towards the audience. The background would have to be the main dessert in the double page spread. I think I am going to go with a Christmas type of recipes because the holiday has more options than any other season. Then again, Thanksgiving is also a contender for the season because of that flexibility towards desserts. But, the font will be more of a food network with a mix of BBC Good Food font kind because of the better the fonts would look on a dessert magazine rather than the food network logo which is a circle with the name in different colors.

Anyways, more on this next post!

Bye, Y'all!

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